the world of deftonedkorn5000

This page is all about who I am. It is mostly lists so far.


Ashtoreth | Flotsam N' Jetsam | Me | Cars | Keystone Heights High School | Horatio Hornblower | The Holocaust | Holocaust Picture Page | Various Picures | Music | Quotes | Wrestling | Jamie Bamber | Link Page

Hi, my name's Jen and I like candlelight dinners and long walks on the beach...

no, wait, that just slipped

I am Jeffer (see definitaion of a "Jeffer" below). I reside in the beautiful state of Florda. I am a proud member of the Hornblower Florida Division and a loyal Crumpeteer. I love cars, especially Chevrolets. When I graduate in 2003, I plan to join the Air Froce, and then become a high school history teacher. Although shy around people I don't know, I can be really crazy, and I love to make people laugh. Below is a little more...


"My" Avalanche


NaMe: Jennifer
NiCkNaMe: Jen, Jeffer
B-dAy: April 23, 1985
AgE: 17
ZoDiAc SiGn: Taurus
CiTy: Keystone Heights, FL
HaIr CoLoR: Light brown
EyE cOlOr: brown
ScHoOl: KHHS...Fightin' Indians.
HoBbIeS: mudding, working on cars, reading, art, writing, playing the guitar and other things that escape me at the moment.
PeTs: a cat: The Rock aka Rocky
ReLiGiOn: Christian
~*LoVe LiFe*~
B/f Or G/f?: b/f
NaMe: Kyle
HoW lOnG hAvE yOu LiKeD tHiS pErSoN?: not sure
HoW DiD YoU GuYs MeEt: mudding
WhEn WaS ThE LaSt TiMe YoU SaW ThEm:  *grin*
MoSt RoMaNtIc ThInG ThEy HaVe DoNe YeT...: just being himself...*giggle* ...he wrote this poem...
BeSt MeMoRy: hmmmm....
ArE YoU GuYs In LoVe: definatly
YoUr SoNg: "Thousand Miles" by Vanessa Carlton
WhAt Do YoU lIkE aBoUt ThIs PeRsOn? he is a sweetheart in a world of jerks
WhEn YoU 1sT mEeT a GuY/gIrL, wHaT dO yOu NoTiCe?: I don't notice what I notice....or something like that.
BeSt PhYsIcAl TrAiT: WoUlD yOu RaThEr Be In A lOnG tErM rElAtIoNsHiP wItH oNe PeRsOn Or DaTe MaNy PeOpLe? I'd rather have a long-term one, because you're able to learn more from them.
WoUlD yOu EvEr Be In A lOnG dIsTaNcE rElAtIoNsHiP?: Yes.
Do YoU bElIeVe In LoVe At FiRsT sIgHt?: Sure.
WhO wAs YoUr 1St CrUsH?: EWWWWWWW!!! JonEric
WhAt'S tHe BeSt FeElInG iN tHe WoRlD?: being in love
WhAt'S tHe WoRsT fEeLiNg In ThE wOrLd?: Rejection!! Definitely! That one totally sucks...and embarrassment.
If YoU CoUlD gO bAcK iN tImE, wHeRe WoUlD yOu Go?: early 1800's or 1930's and 40's
WhAt DeCiSiOn Do YoU rEgReT mOsT?: *Ponders* I don't really regret any.
BiGgEsT fEaR: SPIDERS!!! oh my goodness i hate spiders....*shudder*...and heights
~*KnOwLeDgE aNd EdUcAtIoN*~
ClAsSeS: AP English Comp, Environmental Science, Liberal Arts Math, French 1, Exploring Teaching, and Portfolio 1
LaNgUaGeS: English, French, Spanish, German, and Yiddish
CoLlEgE oF cHoIcE: University of Florida or U.S. Air Force Academy
CaReEr GoAlS: High School History Teacher, U.S. Air Force
NuMbEr: 99 in French
CoLoR: blue and silver
CoLoR tO wEaR: blue, yellow and pink
SpOrT: football, wrestling, Nascar, auto racing
BoOk: The Hornblower Saga and Dragonlance
PlAy: Cyrano de Bergerac
GrApHiC nOvEl (CoMiC): Ranma 1/2
SuPeR hErO: The Hurricane (!!:)!!) and Batman
MoViE: Horatio Hornblower, HH:The Adventure Continues, Peacekeepers, Remeber the Titans, Pearl Harbor, Big Daddy, Schindler's List, Harry Potter, Monty Python and the Holy Grail
AcToR: Jamie Bamber, Ioan Gruffudd, Paul McGann, Terence Corrigan
AcTrEsS: Julia Roberts
CoMeDiAn: Adam Sandler
AtHlEtE:Dwyane Johnson (The Rock), Adam Copeland (Edge), Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Mark Brunnell, and Fred Taylor
TeAmS: Jacksonville Jaguars (NFL) and Florida Gators (NCAA Football)
AuToMoBiLe: Chevy Corvette (C5, Tiger Shark, C4, Sting Ray, Stingray, Shark, and Vette will do) Chevy Avalanche, Chevy Tracker, 1935 Mercedes-Benz 500K Roadster
TeAcHeR: Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Smith and Ms. Wright
SuBjEcT: History
ClUbS: Guitar Players Association, APE and FFEA
HaNgOut: Depends on what type of mood I'm in.
FlOwEr: Rose
BaNd: Unwritten Law
SoNg: "Seein' Red" Unwritten Law, "Toxicity" System of a Down, "American Psycho" Treble Charger, "First Date" Blink 182
Tv ShOw: WWF Wrestling, Samurai Jack, Spongebob Squarepants, Johnny Bravo, Band of Brothers
FoOd: steak, shrimp, pizza, Johnny's BBQ
PiZzA ToPpInG: Pepperoni
DrInK: sweet tea
AnImAl: dragon
QuOtEs: "Man I"m pretty." --Johnny Bravo
"It's true. It's true." --Kurt Angle
"The only thing that boggles the mind is the mind itself." --Amanda
"They're always after me Lucky Charms" --Daniel
"You remind me of the babe.
What babe?
The babe with the power.
What power?
The power of Voodoo.
Who do?
Do what?
Remind me of the babe!" --Amanda reciting a few lines from The Labyrinth.
"dun do stuffs i wouldn't without wearing proper security clothing, or something like that.." --Timmy
HoLiDaY: christmas
SeAsOn: spring
Friends : Amanda, Ashley, Angela, Alicia, Britt, Mark, Steve, Daniel, Evan, Felicia, Josh, Terren, Kathryn, Taylor, Ali, Lindsay, Kyle B., Scott, Kirt, Dottie, Big Al, Kyle
BeSt FrIeNd: Amanda
FuNnIeSt: Britt and Steve
LoUdEsT: Britt
QuIeTeSt: Kyle, Samantha
SwEeTeSt: Ashley, Big Al
CrAzIeSt: Britt, Steve, Mark, Josh, Ashley
PrEtTiEsT: Britt and Ashley
BiGgEsT fLiRt: Britt and Steve
MoSt AtHlEtIc: Evan and Ashley
BeSt FrIeNd Of ThE OpPoSiTe SeX: Mark and Steve
~*ThIs Or ThAt*~
GuY oR gIrL: Guy...!!
KiSs Or HuG: Why not both? Okay, okay...hugs.
ChOcOlAtE oR vAnIlLa: Chocolate!
PeN oR pEnCiL: Pen
FoRd Or ChEvY: CHEVY!!!
CoKe Or PePsI: Pepsi
CaR oR tRuCk: truck
BaTmAn Or SuPeRmAn: Batman!! (I am best friend is Batman)
MoViE oR tV: Movie
ElViS oR BeAtLeS: Elvis (hey, I'm part redneck!!)
PhOnE oR cHaT oNlInE: Chat online.
daY oR nIgHt: Night.
CoRvEtTe Or MuStAnG: Corvette!!!!!
DaRk Or LiGht: Light.
ShOeS oN oR oFf: Off.
LoNg Or ShOrT hAiR: Long.

This is something I drew for a project in English. Her name is Kailee
