the world of deftonedkorn5000

These are some quotes I've picked up along the way. They're cool. Props to Amanda and Elizabeth for helping me out here.


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Horatio Hornblower Quotes
(from the movies and the books)

"Death is nothing, but to live defeated and without glory is to die every day."
- "Napoleon Bonaparte" from "Hornblower During a Crisis" by C.S. Forester

Call no man happy until he is dead.
- someone or other from Hornblower During a Crisis in The Last Encounter by C.S. Forester

Life was a succession of pills that had to be swallowed"."
- Horatio Hornblower from Hornblower and the Atropos, by C.S. Forester, Ch. 3

If variety was the spice of life, thought Hornblower, his present existence must be an Oriental curry."
- Horatio Hornblower from Hornblower and the Atropos, by C.S. Forester, Ch. 14

"Each of us can find a maggot in our past which will happily devour our futures."
- "Horatio Hornblower" from "Horatio Hornblower" in "The Fire Ships"

I thank God daily for the good fortune of my birth, for I am certain I would have made a miserable peasant
- Lord Edrington from Horatio Hornblower in The Wrong War

Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.
- Captain Sawyer from Horatio Hornblower in Mutiny (taken from King Henry from King Henry IV Part 2, by William Shakespeare, Act III, scene i)

It's not history that concerns me, Horatio. It's the future. It's far more uncertain.
- Archie Kennedy from Horatio Hornblower in "Mutiny

"A hit, a palpable hit."
- Archie Kennedy from Horatio Hornblower in "Retribution" (taken from Osric from Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Act V, scene ii)

Poor Horatio, so quick to give, so slow to accept the simplest gift.
- Archie Kennedy from Horatio Hornblower in Retribution

"A fine thing to die in someone else's war."
- "Archie Kennedy" from "Horatio Hornblower"
in "Wrong War"

"Oh. Well. There's a precious sop for my conscience."
- "Archie Kennedy" from "Horatio Hornblower
in "Mutiny"

"Sir, Randall! You call him SIR!"
- "Archie Kennedy" from "Horatio Hornblower"
in "Mutiny"

"You keep pre-var-i-ca-ting."
- "Archie Kennedy" from "Horatio Hornblower"
in "Mutiny"

"You see? Better already."
- "Archie Kennedy" from "Horatio Hornblower"
in "Retribution" (his last words *sob*)

from Interlachen High School
Think before you speak and you will be better off.
-Dale Scarberry

Learn to love because if you dont the you could end up being the most hateful person in the world.
-Jose L. Montanez Jr.

Love is suicide.
-Matt Russell

If the world didnt suck we'd all fall off.
-Jenna Batillo

Make 7 up yours!
-Charles Redding

That is a writing assignment.
-Mr. Mingle

Oh oh its magic you know.
-Danelle Eby

Im sorry Ms. McCook, itll never happen again. Thats what you say!
-Ms. McCook

-Crystal Gullotta

Oh Lordy.
-Naosha Harmon

Get over it.
-Stratton Posner

Elizabeth's quotes