the world of deftonedkorn5000

Beloved of Paladine, child of dragons and of elves, the Sapphire Princess, from another world to this, mother of Solinari's Garrett and Nuitari's Sorrett, Thunder Dancer. She is Paladine's grandaughter, daughter of Kyrnn's most powerful mage and a dragon from another world, she is V'Kass Ashtoreth Trentil sur Majere er-Lord Rathkrel.


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The Story of Ashtoreth
  The elves of Qualinost panicked as the massive red dragon swooped down, flaming the beautiful quartz buildings.
  The companions stood their ground, ready to fight even a red dragon. Suddenly, the red robed mage among them smiled. It was unlike one Tanis Half-Elven had ever seen for many years. Raistlin's smile was genuine, not sarcastic and biting.
  Raistlin Majere brushed the Knight of Solamnia from beside him. The knight scowled. Uncharacteristically, Raistlin's twin, Caramon, remained silent and let the mage step aside from the group. His Staff of Magius glowed brighter than ever as he began to recite a spell used for only two reasons.
  "Black Dragon. From darkness to darkness, my voice echoes in the emptiness.
  "White Dragon. From this world to the next, my voice cries with life."
  Tanis, Caramon, and Sturm stared as the frail mage's voice grew strong.
  "Red Dragon. From darkness to darkness I shout, beneath my feet all is made firm."
  The red dragon hurled itself towards them. The companions, however, became enthralled when an unseen woman added her euphonious voice to Raistlin's spell.
  "Blue Dragon. Time that flows, hold in your course.
  "Green Dragon. Because by fate even the goods are cast down, weep ye all with me."
  Raistlin stared at the dragon as he finished hs spell. Lightning crashed in the smoky sky above them. The air turned a burning cold. Lightning crashed again and a large but lithe blue dragon appeared in the sky.
  "In the name of the gods!" Tanis swore.
  The blue dragon was much larger than the red. It flew at the red, sinking its claws into its back. As the two began to fall, the blue clapped its wingtips together. Lightning raced through the body of the red. Then the blue rose in flight, flinging the red away.
  The blue circled a few times before landing in front of them. Normally, most would run from a blue dragon, for a blue dragon was evil, but none fled from this one. Dragonfear did not seep from this dragon.
  "It's a two color!" Sturm exclaimed, the knight's eyes wide.
   A rare, neutral dragon, then. One of the extremely powerful dragons.
   The blue was marked with silver on its wings, arms, legs, and underbelly. Tanis fancied the dragon's sapphire blue eyes were watching them with amusement.
  Raistlin stepped foreward. His eyes gleamed with a light none of the companions had ever seen. He nodded.
  The blue dragon began to glow. It shimmered and in its stead stood an elfmaiden of such great beauty that even Laurana paled in comparison.
  Long hair the color of molten silver cascded down her back to the base pf her spine; her wide, almond shaped eyes glowed a bright sapphire blue. Her face could have been carved from the finest marble, with high cheekbones, broad brow, thin nose, full and pouting lips and determined chin. Her pale skin was as translucent as fine porcelain, giving off a silver sheen.
  Raistlin stepped up to the elven maiden and smiled. His thin, frail cheek caressed her cheek. He turned back to his friends.
  "Beloved of Paladine, child of dragons and of elves, the Sapphire Princess, from another world to this, mother of Solinari's Garrett and Nuitari's Sorrett, Thunder Dancer. Cast down your eyes, for you look upon one of Paladine's own granddaughters. She is V'kass Ashtoreth Trentil sur Majere er-Lord Rathekrel, my daughter."


(The picture didnt copy all the way onto here. I'll fix it later)

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